The Great EscapeTutoring Center
What we offer?
We offer both online and in-person individual and/or group tutoring for students in grades k-12 and college. We have enrichment programs, Test Prep, The Homework Buddy Program and specialized program (AA& A’s Program) that focuses on students with attention and anxiety challenges.

We focus on your
Learning Style
We create an individualized program to fit the student based on the student’s best learning style. We focus on restoring confidence in scholars through encouragement and captivating tutoring techniques that allow them to demonstrate their knowledge and have a little fun while doing so .
Our Strategy

Learning Styles
We give assessments to new students so that we can create a plan to meet each student's individual needs. We have a proven record of being able to captivate students of various learning styles, regardless of diagnosed or undiagnosed learning differences. We understand that every student learns differently, and it brings us tremendous professional and personal satisfaction to help students discover the excellence within.

Our select staff, which includes certified teachers, and individuals with collegiate majors in academic subjects areas, are qualified and ready to provide your student with the best service. Not only are our tutors enthusiasts about their academic subjects, but our tutors truly care!

In Home
Our fully-vaccinated tutors and coaches will drive to your home for individualized one-on-one or group sessions for an additional fee. Tutors and Coaches will wear a mask at all times and uphold Covid-19 protocols and guidelines as specified by the CDC. Virtual Tutoring is offered and recommended as an alternative to In-Home Development,